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Friday, 02.07.2025, 10:50 PM
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Latest CLEO 3 mods HERE. Have fun with that.


GTA IV Features to GTA SA Features mod II

This is the second part of the GTA IV Features to GTA SA Features mod. I have done a few more features, and fixed all the bugs in previous features. This part is a lot better then the first one.

Short descriptions/improovements:

Mod title Short description
Helmet When you are on the bike CJ automatically puts helmet and automatically removes it after a few seconds when you are not driving bike. You can interrupt that by pressing UP or DOWN, just like in GTA IV
Broken engine When your car is damaged a lot, it has a probability to fade away (Shut down), you will need to keep pressing UP and DOWN to start it again, like in GTA IV
Surrender to cops I have improoved this one. The animation when CJ rises up hands are longer, and the whole script is a bit more solid. Press and hold Y button to surrender to cops when you have a wanted level.
Headlights This script allows you to turn ON/OFF your cars lights with H button. Just like in GTA IV.
Health reaction The gameplay will react when your health is less than 30. Game speed slows down, camera shakes a bit, and player is bleeding.
Burnout Your last wheels will explode after during a long burnout. Just like Surrender to cops mod this is improoved too. Now there is no bugs like in the previous version.
Window crash When you hit someone else's car with high speed you will crash out through the windshield (Window), just like in GTA IV. This mod has a lot of imrpoovements. The animation is changed, the bugs when someone shoots at your car is fixed, many other minor bugs are fixed. This one is a lot more solid then the previous one.





You will need to have CLEO 3 library installed on your GTA SA. You can get it here If you have my previous IV to SA mod installed, delete it, because it will cause a lot of bugs and crashes if you will not delete it. Just Copy and Paste all the files to your CLEO folder in GTA Sa root folder.

Do not publish this mod on websites without my permission. You can edit this mod only for your own use. and

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